Wasp Barcode Technologies: The Barcode Solution People

How to Turn your iPhone or Android into a Barcode Scanner

phone-into-barcode-scanner-0315-banner2 QR codes have become an effective tool for advertisers and companies because of the smartphone.  Customers are able to connect directly with a company’s message or be taken directly to a website by simply scanning the code.   Additionally, the simple barcode can be scanned into a variety of smartphone apps to access and populate product details – whether that’s to read customer reviews, purchase items, or track information within the app itself (fitness & food, assets, inventory, time & attendance). Wasp Barcode Technologies has a wide range of barcode scanners; many of them work in partnership with an iPhone or Android phone or tablet to scan and record information within receiving applications.  This technology takes advantage of the built in Bluetooth capability of the phone, tablet, and scanner and reduces the need to manually record barcode numbers or item details and allows the Bluetooth scanner to immediately enter the information - without the opportunity for human error.

The Importance of Barcodes

Barcode scanners translate a barcode into useable information; the number represented by a barcode allows for work to be completed more efficiently and accurately. An individual simply scans the barcode to retrieve information within an application instead of typing in the item’s number or randomly searching within a vast database.   This is particularly important for businesses that need to retrieve data quickly
Wireless Barcode Scanner for iPad, iPhone, or Android
about where fixed assets are located or about current inventory levels of products. For example, the City of Dallas uses barcodes to track assets in the city’s Bomb Squad, Urban Search and Rescue team, SWAT, the DPD Intelligence Unit, the Water Department, and Information Technology. Companies like Racesource use barcodes to manage their flow of parts and to make sure they have what they need on hand without over ordering parts. Essentially, all companies deal with inventory or assets on some level and ultimately barcodes are simply the best way to keep track of them.

...all companies deal with inventory or assets on some level and ultimately barcodes are simply the best way to keep track of them.

How has this traditional use of barcodes changed with the advent of smartphone and tablet technology?   In the past, barcode scanners required a cabled connection to computers to transmit data. However, with today’s Bluetooth and mobile technology, Bluetooth barcode scanners can connect with any Bluetooth enabled computer wirelessly (and iPhone, Android, or tablet).  As long as the computer, phone or tablet is running the required software or application, many barcode scanners can now connect wirelessly and easily and efficiently transmit data.

Using Bluetooth Technology to Pair Barcode Scanners with Mobile Devices

Bluetooth barcode scanners rely on the powerful and fast wireless Bluetooth technology. Bluetooth is a feature on all iPhones and Android mobile phones and devices and many computers and laptops. Bluetooth allows users to create and manage their own mini-wireless networks and is faster and more secure than WiFi.
Using wireless Bluetooth barcode scanners is as easy as using a wireless earpiece or stereo. For example, Wasp’s WWS500i Wireless Barcode Scanner  and the tiny but powerful WWS100 Bluetooth Barcode Scanner can be paired or synced with a Bluetooth iPhone or Android right out of the box. Once synced, the scanner will transmit data to an app on the phone or tablet. One of the benefits of using the Bluetooth barcode
Bluetooth Wireless Pocket Barcode Scanner
scanner is that users can simply have their phone or tablet nearby and all the information will be properly logged and stored - the carrying of an extra, wired device is no longer needed to transmit data from the scanner to your computer.

Related Article: Barcode: The Ultimate Guide to Barcodes

Do you use apps on your phone or tablet that allow the scanning of barcodes?  If so, we’d love to hear about your favorites – or not so favorites.   We’ve compiled an Ultimate Guide to Barcode Scanner Apps for iPhone & Android but are certain there even more out there we just haven’t found yet.  Leave us a comment, and tell us your favorite barcoding app.