Wasp Barcode Technologies: The Barcode Solution People

Time To Computerize: Asset Management Through Technology

medical techonlogy concept,smart doctor hand working with modern laptop computer in modern office with virtual icon diagram Half a century ago, Star Trek made us believe one day we could explore and discover with the full benefit of our databases at our fingertips. Press a button and you could update your files. Flip a switch and instantly recent relevant information to make first contact more pleasant and (hopefully) successful.

That flexibility remains one of the key motivators that convinces businesses to make the move to mobile computers like the Wasp DR3 2D for daily operations. Employees can become untethered from the traditional office setting and the work clock with anytime-anywhere access to company data, typically for one of three reasons:

  • The ability to search work-related information (87 per cent)
  • The ability to modify data and save these updates to the company’s network (80 per cent)
  • The ability to transfer data between applications (56 per cent)
Not only does the chance to escape the confines of the cubicle lead to more contented employees: Customers appreciate the ease of access as well. To them, it offers greater satisfaction through quicker assistances and responses to queries. You can avoid a considerable amount of hold time when the person on the other end doesn’t need to wait until start of business to help.


It can also lead to:
  • Saved time for company and customer;
  • Reduced waste: Of time, effort, and efficiency;
  • Decreased cycle times, which leads to fulfilled obligations and less backlog;
  • Eliminated rework thanks to delays in problem discovery or resolution;
  • Improved accuracy.
Beyond customer satisfaction, the potential for asset management cannot be ignored. Mobility for a business today can be considered a de facto necessity. Much modern business activity, including asset storage, takes place at several different locations simultaneously. Another characteristic is that much of it is time-sensitive and requires any updates or modifications to be completed ASAP. While we can all appreciate the necessity in this urgency of now, we need to look at another factor: The cost. An upstart might not be able to afford the latest hardware – but software? That can be another matter entirely. And if that software can run on most any device? All the better. Look at Wasp’s AssetCloud software: Say you can afford the software but not scanners for your company. How many of your personnel own smartphones that can scan barcodes? iOS, Android, it doesn’t matter: You can keep your team in-the-know and up-to-date with your current equipment and a quick download. call-to-action-810x75-c The BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), something predicted to reach 70 per cent of mobile professionals by 2018, benefits immensely from such software. Some predictions even expected employers would require employees provide their own devices by this year. While things didn’t reach that point, the likelihood remains: Companies that do not permit their employees the use of personal mobile devices for work-related tasks might find themselves behind their competitors. dr3-right-angle-500px That said, BYOD should still be approached with caution. Companies can easily set rules over the use of business devices, but the waters remain somewhat murky over the use of personal devices for business purposes. Make sure to consult with others who ventured into this realm before you, including larger businesses with more resources available.
Asset Tracking with Asset Tags - Fire Station
People lose their phones. A night out, a slip from a pocket, slipped from their pockets: It happens. If you allow your employee to use a personal device and said device becomes lost, your business is potentially at someone else’s fingertips. Then again, you also trust your employees to remain honest with your data, don’t you? Therein lies one beautiful aspect of AssetCloud: Modifications are no longer anonymous or questionable. Each entry or change is marked with a unique identifier that returns to a particular device user. That is, of course, if the user can made such changes. As the small business owner, and likely the person who chose the management tools, you play the role of administrator on your systems. Think of a Windows computer: You can set up an administrative ID and other subordinate – and capability-restricted – users. The same goes for AssetCloud: You can program limits on each individual account based off of the user, not the device. You can allow access without modification privileges, receive notifications of any and all changes, and customize the reports to match the needs of your organization as it is now and once it grows in the future. No more lack of full accountability. Relief from the outdated methodologies of spreadsheets. No more waiting for a free device to update accounts or inventory. And the human error that comes as part of each parcel above? No more! How much time, effort, energy, and money could you save with such an investment?