Wasp Barcode Technologies: The Barcode Solution People

Top 10 Blogs of 2017

iStock_000067650695 Many professionals take the time to revisit the successes and failures from the previous year each January. This practice helps to make new goals and develop new strategies for the future. We at Wasp Barcode Technologies are on board with this philosophy and have complied a list of our Top 10 most popular blog articles in 2017. These are the articles our readers searched for, liked and shared the most over the past year. From this list we have learned what our readers want, how we can support our customers better and what we can do in 2018 to top 2017. Enjoy! 1. How to Enjoy the Holidays Even If You Are A Small Business Owner- Learn how to strengthen your supply chain and find the best deals on inventory for your small business. Many small business owners only take a minimal amount of days off around busy holidays and taking preparations ahead of time can help with work/life balance. 2. The Results Are In 2017 Small Business Report-The 3rd annual Wasp Barcode Small Business Report surveyed 1,100 small businesses. The results covered a number of important factors, including anticipated growth, marketing efforts, expected government impact, top challenges to the businesses surveyed.


3. 15 Things Every Small Business Website Should Have- The 2017 Small Business Report found that 44% of small businesses still don’t have a website. Learn about 15 important things each small business website should have. 4. The Unsung Hero of Game of Thrones- Winter is coming! What if each castle had a dedicated inventory management system to track all of their equipment? Each sword, shield and horse saddle would be accounted for and ready for battle. 5. Why Small Businesses Should Avoid Reusing Barcodes-Many businesses understand the value of using barcodes. However, some companies don’t properly use barcodes and end up passing issues along their supply chain that have unintended consequences. iStock_000046799084 6. How Small Businesses Can Avoid A United Airlines PR Nightmare- Small businesses and mega companies alike need to take note of how United took a routine situation—overbooking a flight, which happens more often that you might think—and turned it into a PR nightmare. 7. 3 Ways to Make Customer Service Your Best Supply Chain Strategy- New pressures are leading retailers to rethink their overall supply chain strategies, prioritizing customer service on multiple levels. Here are three things to get you started toward a more customer-centric supply chain. 8. The Youth Sports Embezzlement Epidemic and Asset Management-There are adults taking hundreds of thousands of dollars earmarked for the children of their communities thanks to the failure of making an investment in asset management. 9. What the Fidget Spinner Trend Teaches Us About Inventory Management-Surprisingly, quite a bit. While the appeal of the fidget spinner lies partially in its stunning simplicity—it’s a little toy that spins, and that’s about it—it’s implications are more complex than you might imagine. 10. How To Get Rid of, Sell or Otherwise Dispose of Your Fixed Assets - In order for most small businesses to make money, they need both inventory (or a service) and fixed assets, the long-term capital investments used in the production of income. What were your favorite blog articles in 2017? Leave them in the comments.